Something gotta give.
Okej lets make this easy for you and me and we take this in english couse the thain cumputer table don't got swedish letters.
Now its wensday (onsdag) and the time is 5:13 PM.
Today we been to freedom island, does the name sounds beautiful or what?
Ive burned my poor face..
I can make this easy again, we done everything and nothing on the same time.
On sururday we rented a motor cykel, it was asom.
So we left it today.
By the way I havent taken so much pictures as I should have.. But I got more than a week left so dont worry.
Yeah anyway, we have ride elephants and shopping (!) alot!
My baby loved shoes broke on the secound day so in panik (and bare feet) me and Johan walked around looking for some new,
I ended up with a white billabong shoes.. without any heels at all.
Im living in paradise and im so in love with this place, I think you know im going to tell you everything when I get home so its kind of pointless that Im writing this att all :p couse my mouth not going to be quiet for two secounds when I start haha
Anyway my beloved darlings, now you know im still alive and havent been killed.
And Line, Good Work ! what did I tell you? If you want it.. Take it! :D
So my loves if you want to have a nice christmas card you really have to sms your adress couse I don't remember any of yours.
I hope you have a really great Christmas I will ! :D
Rebecca my darling, ive been followed by our songs.. the first song I hear on the first resturant on our hotel i hear.. My Sharona.
and later i heard you got a friend.
Its creepy :p
And now im going to take one of my 3 bacardi in the fridge and just live.
Heaven is a place on earth.
Now its wensday (onsdag) and the time is 5:13 PM.
Today we been to freedom island, does the name sounds beautiful or what?
Ive burned my poor face..
I can make this easy again, we done everything and nothing on the same time.
On sururday we rented a motor cykel, it was asom.
So we left it today.
By the way I havent taken so much pictures as I should have.. But I got more than a week left so dont worry.
Yeah anyway, we have ride elephants and shopping (!) alot!
My baby loved shoes broke on the secound day so in panik (and bare feet) me and Johan walked around looking for some new,
I ended up with a white billabong shoes.. without any heels at all.
Im living in paradise and im so in love with this place, I think you know im going to tell you everything when I get home so its kind of pointless that Im writing this att all :p couse my mouth not going to be quiet for two secounds when I start haha
Anyway my beloved darlings, now you know im still alive and havent been killed.
And Line, Good Work ! what did I tell you? If you want it.. Take it! :D
So my loves if you want to have a nice christmas card you really have to sms your adress couse I don't remember any of yours.
I hope you have a really great Christmas I will ! :D
Rebecca my darling, ive been followed by our songs.. the first song I hear on the first resturant on our hotel i hear.. My Sharona.
and later i heard you got a friend.
Its creepy :p
And now im going to take one of my 3 bacardi in the fridge and just live.
Heaven is a place on earth.
The year of the blue elektic storm.
The word of the day,
Först och främst,
mitt uppdrag fungerade och lyckligtvis dog ingen ;)
Måste säga Tack till dig killen,
du är duktig på att få mig att tänka om fast jag inte visar det alla gånger.
Du har en sån enorm jävla vilja att hjälpa mig,
så jag ska hjälpa dig på traven.
Its not going to be easy I promies.
Hur som helst,
i morgon ska man jobba med bebisar ;)
och idag har man jobbat lite med sig själv OCH träffat en förrymd släkting.
Min kusin, som jag inte träffat på ca 12 år.
Mer än ett halft liv, som han sa.
Komist nog var det mitt år iår,
enligt den Celtiska tiden.
Satt på må få och lyssnade på Staind - Belive insåg att det var precis det Johan sa till mig igår,
ibland blir det läskiga sammanträffanden,
eller som Martin sa, det finns inga sammanträffanden.
All the smiles you've had to fake
And all the bullshit you've had to take
Just to lead us here again
I never have the things to say
To make it all just go away
To make it all just disapear
Believe in me
I know you've waited for so long
Believe in me
Sometimes the weak become the strong
Believe in me
This life is not always what it seems
Believe in me
Cause I was made for chasing dreams
It's my life
It's my choice
Hear my words
Hear my voice
So just believe
I sit alone and watch the clock
Trying to collect my thoughts
All I think about is you
If you believe in me
Life's not always what it seems
Believe in me
Cause I was made for chasing dreams
Believe in me
I know you've waited for so long
Believe in me
Sometimes the weak become the strong
Believe in me
This life is not always what it seems
Believe in me
Cause I was made for chasing dreams
Först och främst,
mitt uppdrag fungerade och lyckligtvis dog ingen ;)
Måste säga Tack till dig killen,
du är duktig på att få mig att tänka om fast jag inte visar det alla gånger.
Du har en sån enorm jävla vilja att hjälpa mig,
så jag ska hjälpa dig på traven.
Its not going to be easy I promies.
Hur som helst,
i morgon ska man jobba med bebisar ;)
och idag har man jobbat lite med sig själv OCH träffat en förrymd släkting.
Min kusin, som jag inte träffat på ca 12 år.
Mer än ett halft liv, som han sa.
Komist nog var det mitt år iår,
enligt den Celtiska tiden.
Satt på må få och lyssnade på Staind - Belive insåg att det var precis det Johan sa till mig igår,
ibland blir det läskiga sammanträffanden,
eller som Martin sa, det finns inga sammanträffanden.
All the smiles you've had to fake
And all the bullshit you've had to take
Just to lead us here again
I never have the things to say
To make it all just go away
To make it all just disapear
Believe in me
I know you've waited for so long
Believe in me
Sometimes the weak become the strong
Believe in me
This life is not always what it seems
Believe in me
Cause I was made for chasing dreams
It's my life
It's my choice
Hear my words
Hear my voice
So just believe
I sit alone and watch the clock
Trying to collect my thoughts
All I think about is you
If you believe in me
Life's not always what it seems
Believe in me
Cause I was made for chasing dreams
Believe in me
I know you've waited for so long
Believe in me
Sometimes the weak become the strong
Believe in me
This life is not always what it seems
Believe in me
Cause I was made for chasing dreams